fricas-svn | FriCAS is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system | |
frida-capstone | Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework | |
frida-glib2 | Some useful routines for C programming (glib2) | |
frida-gum | Low-level code instrumentation library used by frida-core | |
frida-libffi | Foreign function interface | |
frobby | Computations with monomial ideals | |
frobtads | Portable TADS toolkit | |
frogatto | The Frogatto and Friends game | |
frp | Reverse proxy to expose local server behind NAT/firewall to Internet | |
fs2open | Freespace 2 source code project | |
fs2open-git | Freespace 2 source code project | |
fsharp | Fsharp compiler and interpreter | |
fslsfonts | Lists fonts served by the X server using pattern-matching | |
fsom | Tiny C library for managing SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) neural networks | |
fstobdf | Reads a font from a font server and writes bdf-format output | |
fstrcmp | Library for fuzzy comparisons of strings | |
fswatch | Cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends | |
ft8-lib | C++ implementation of FT8 protocol, for use on microcontrollers | |
ftpsesame | Automatic packet filter configurator for FTP | |
fuse-cryfs | FUSE Encrypted Filesystem | |
fuse-exfat | FUSE file-system and utilities for exFAT file systems | |
fuse-google-drive-git | FUSE filesystem wrapper for Google Drive | |
fuse-mp3fs | MP3 transcoding FUSE file system | |
fuse-s3fs | FUSE file-system and utilities for S3-compatible APIs | |
fuse-smbnetfs | Mount a Samba/Microsoft share as a regular Unix filesystem | |
fuse-squashfuse | FUSE filesystem to mount squashfs archives | |
fuse-zip | FUSE file system to navigate, extract, create, and modify ZIP archives | |
fusefs-btfs | Bluetooth Filesystem for FUSE | |
fusionpbx | Full-featured multi-tenant GUI for FreeSwitch | |
fvwm-crystal | Easy to use, powerful desktop environment | |
fxrays | Computes extremal rays with filtering | |
fxt | FFT code and related stuff | |
fynedesk | Desktop environment based on Fyne toolkit | |
g-golf | Guile Object Library for GNOME | |
g21k-binutils | Assembler and linker tools for Analog Devices 21k series DSPs | |
galib | GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects | |
galoisfieldarth | Galois Field Arithmetic Library | |
gambas3 | Complete Gambas development environment | |
gambas3-devel | Gambas compilation tools | |
gambas3-gb-args | Program arguments parser for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-cairo | Vectorial drawing for Gambas based on Cairo | |
gambas3-gb-chart | Gambas Chart Component | |
gambas3-gb-clipper | Polygon clipping library for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-complex | Complex number implementation for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-compress | Compression library for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-compress-bzlib2 | Gambas bzip2 bindings | |
gambas3-gb-compress-zlib | Gambas zlib bindings | |
gambas3-gb-crypt | MD5/DES crypting for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-data | More container datatypes for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-db | Database access for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-db-form | Data bound controls for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-db-mysql | MySQL driver for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-db-odbc | ODBC driver for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-db-postgresql | PostgreSQL driver for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2 | The Gambas SQLite 2 driver (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3 | SQLite driver for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-dbus | D-Bus interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-dbus-trayicon | System tray icon management for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-desktop | Desktop management component for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome-keyring | Gnome keyring support for Gambas desktop component (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-desktop-x11 | X-Window library support for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-eval-highlight | Syntax highlighter routines for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-form | Enhanced GUI controls for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-form-dialog | Enhanced version of the standard dialogs for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-form-editor | Enhanced text editor for Gambas with syntax highlighting | |
gambas3-gb-form-mdi | Multi-document interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-form-stock | Default stock icons for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-form-terminal | Terminal emulator for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-gmp | GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-gsl | GNU Scientific Library interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-gtk | GTK+ toolkit implementation for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl | OpenGL library interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-gtk3 | GTK+ 3 toolkit implementation for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-httpd | HTTP server for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-image | Image management component for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-image-effect | Image filtering routines for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-image-imlib | Image routines for Gambas based on the Imlib2 library | |
gambas3-gb-image-io | Image loading and saving for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-inotify | Filesystem event monitoring for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-jit | Gambas JIT compiler | |
gambas3-gb-libxml | Old XML tools for Gambas based on libxml (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-logging | Flexible log message handling for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-map | Online map viewing component for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-markdown | Gambas Markdown markup syntax | |
gambas3-gb-media | GStreamer library interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-media-form | Media player controls for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-memcached | Memcached client for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-mime | MIME message management for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-mysql | MySQL specific routines for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-ncurses | NCurses library for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-net | Network access for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-net-curl | Network high-level protocol management for Gambas based on libcurl | |
gambas3-gb-net-pop3 | POP3 client for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-net-smtp | SMTP client for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-openal | OpenAL library interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-opengl | OpenGL library interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl | OpenGL Shading Language for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-opengl-glu | OpenGL utility component for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-opengl-sge | Simple OpenGL game engine for Gambas based on MD2 format | |
gambas3-gb-openssl | OpenSSL library routines for Gambas | |
mk | Subfolder |